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Kindly Read & Understand The Below Content Carefully.

We are currently seeking to employ individual’s Nationwide, Regular citizens to go about their normal routine as they usually do, only with a small advert for BUSCH ICE® plastered on your car. The advert are typically vinyl decals that almost seem to be painted on the vehicle.

Also what does the BUSCH ICE® Company get out of this type of advert strategy?

Lots of exposure and awareness. The adverts tend to be colorful, eye-catching and attract lots of attention. Plus, it's a form of advertising with a captive audience, meaning people who are stuck in traffic can't avoid seeing the wrapped car alongside them. This program will last for 12 weeks and the minimum you can participate is 8 weeks.


You will be compensated with $700 per week into your account which is essentially a payment for letting BUSCH ICE® use the space and no fee is required from you.

BUSCH ICE® shall provide Vinyl car decals specialist that will handle the advert placing on your car. You will receive an up front payment into your account for accepting to carry this advert on your car.

It is very easy and simple and no application fees required to get started, fill the form below.


Come Work With Us

Thank you! We’ll be in touch.

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